Moving into the digital age with the outfit to match
Hoohah is a feminine-first outdoor apparel brand offering vintage inspired and up-cycled apparel made for jumping, dancing, and moving. Hoohah doesn’t have a brick & mortar store, so without social media and the internet, we wouldn’t exist. With Instagram and TikTok, we are able to connect & collaborate with other small brands, find like-minded brick & mortar wholesale partners all over the country, and share our story with people all over the world. We’re curating a Hoohah Blog called the “Hoohah Diaries” where we collect stories and inspiration from our friends about their challenges, goals, tips, and juicy love stories found on the ski hill or in the outdoors. In November we were featured in an Instagram story by @westcoastcraft and gained 20 new followers that day! We’re learning and growing a little bit every day.
Anna Tedstrom, Owner